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The cost of buying a house in the United States is higher than renting: the gap will continue for the next five years
Apr 1, 2024
The cost of buying a house in the United States is higher than renting: the gap will continue for the next five years Dallas
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  • City News
  • US real estate
  • buying a house in the US
  • renting a house in the US
  • property costs
Abstract: According to a report by ABC on March 21, the latest analysis shows that the cost of buying a house in the United States is currently much higher than renting, and this situation is expected to continue for the next five years.

According to a report by ABC on March 21, the latest analysis shows that the cost of buying a house in the United States is currently much higher than renting, and this situation is expected to continue for the next five years. The Real Estate Price Tracking Analysis Report released by CBRE pointed out that the average monthly rent for a new apartment in the United States is $2,165, while the average monthly mortgage payment for a new house is $2,997, meaning that the cost of buying a house is on average 38% higher than renting.

The analysis also found that the gap between buying and renting will continue to exist in the next five years, posing a major challenge to prospective homebuyers. It is estimated that by 2030, the cost of mortgage payments will still be 11% higher than rent. This gap exists mainly due to higher mortgage rates and housing shortages across the United States. The report estimates that there is a shortage of 3.8 million housing units in the United States, mainly concentrated in single-family homes and smaller multi-family homes.

The cost of buying a house in the United States is higher than renting: the gap will continue for the next five years


In some cities such as Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, Denver, and Nashville, Tennessee, the gap between buying and renting is particularly evident. According to Matt Vance, the author of the CBRE report, for example, in Denver, buying a medium-priced house requires a down payment equivalent to six years' rent for an average apartment. However, the report points out that in some markets, such as Chicago, Dallas, and Raleigh, North Carolina, it is expected that the gap between renting and buying will return to pre-pandemic levels in the next five years.

Matt adds that nevertheless, prospective homebuyers who are able to afford a down payment and monthly payments can still accumulate long-term assets through property investment. Another report released by the White House indicates that one in four renters in the United States is burdened with "severe rent burden," meaning that they spend more than half of their income on housing.

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The cost of buying a house in the United States is higher than renting: the gap will continue for the next five years
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